A highly practical curriculum that focuses on exploring different areas of the visual arts, including drawing & painting, sculpture, printing, photography, and fashion design. The programme opens a world of multi-material experiences, helping students develop their perceptual abilities, cultivate knowledge and technical expertise.

With a system of practical lessons that apply a variety of creative thinking methods, the programme provides students with practical tools to practice art, express emotions, and develop their story-telling through individual works, which then help them find their unique perspective and artistic personalities.


Age Group:

5 - 16 years old


1-2 sessions / week

Thời gian khóa học:

60-90 minutes/class


A method of exploring, observing and studying the world around us to develop ideas, express opinions, and communicate personal thoughts.
Creative processes with a variety of materials, tools and visual arts (including: Drawing & Painting, 3D Modeling, Printing, Photography and Fashion Design).
Exercises for creative practice, practice utilising visual thinking tools to recognise the concepts and principles of art shaping, art history, painters, artists and schools typical art sect.

Nội dung chương trình

Mục tiêu chương trình


Use thinking tools to form and develop ideas.
Understand and proficiently use the elements and principles of shaping, coordinating with multi-material applications and experiences to create themed works.
Identify the diverse fields of visual arts, and connect the visual arts with other disciplines and everyday life.
Analyse and appreciate the art of individuals, colleqgues, painters and artists of Vietnam and the world.

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